Cees Maris

Book design of ‘We want our freedom, Slavery and public reason’ (Wij verlangen onze vrijheid, Slavernij en publieke rede).
A philosophical play written by C.W. Maris.

We want our freedom, Slavery and public reason revolves around a court case in which two theatrical advisers – the theologian Jacobus Capitein and the philosopher John Locke – compete for the soul of the Virginia slave who had fled. She calls for her freedom.

We want our freedom is carried out as theatrical performance on different places in Amsterdam. The theatrical lawsuit is part of the farewell speech by C.W. Maris as Professor of legal philosophy at the University of Amsterdam.

The book is printed in 3 pantone colors: 484 (red), 485 (red/brown) and 483 (brown). Only the black varies in these colors, they all contain the same amount of magenta and yellow. The colors run like a cycle through the book.

Published by Gert-Jan van Dijk of Uitgeverij Duizend & Een/ 1001 Publishers, printed by Raddraaier, Amsterdam